
Posted: May 26, 2011 in Nerf war of the week, Videos
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Hello peoples

In this post I’m going to show you my Nerf war of the week.

It was made by Cacox97, and it is called Nerf war vengeance.

Hope you like it.

The Bullet

P.S This is the alternative ending.

Hello everyone

Sorry that I haven’t posted in a long time. I’ve been busy. In this post I’m going to update my favourite songs. I’m going to put two songs in this post. The first one is The Lazy song by Bruno Mars.

The second is Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO.

Hope you enjoy the songs.

The Bullet


Posted: March 8, 2011 in Nerf war of the week, Videos
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Ok then. I think it is time for another Nerf war on The Bullet. This war is called Infiltration. I hope you like it. Please leave a comment.

The Bullet


Posted: March 8, 2011 in Music video of the week, Videos
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Right then. This is my second music video. I hope you like it. This is JLS with Eyes Wide Shut ft Tiny Temper. Please leave a comment.

The Bullet


In this post I’m going to put the trailers of season one, two and three of a program that I like, so that you can have a look. I’m also going to tell you what my favourite episode of one and two are.

I like T.V. I watch it a lot at home. I have lots of favourite programs that I watch. But there is one program that I love, Star Wars the Clone Wars. There are three seasons so far and they are all so good. I have season one and two, but when season three comes out I’m definitely going to get it. These are the trailers of season one, two and three.

My favourite clone is Rex. He is a skilled shooter. He is a Captain, so he is very high in command. This is a picture of him in his armour.

My favourite Jedi is Ahsoka Tano. She is a Padawan, but she still has great skill. Evan though she is a Padawan she is still my favourite because in season three, she constructs another lightsaber. I like that. This is a picture of her.

My favourite Sith is General Grievous. He is a metal creature that is part of the dark side. He is very skilled with a lightsaber. He carry’s two lightsaber’s, but he can construct two other arms from underneath his main arms, so he carry’s four lightsabers. This is a picture of him.

I hope you liked this post. Please enjoy the videos and pictures that I have put on this post. Please leave a comment on what you thought.

The Bullet


On Tuesday day my mum, sister and me when to our local bowling centre. We had a great time there. We played three games. My mum won the first game, I won the second game and then my mum won the last game. We had great fun. After the great games of bowling we went to Frankie’s and Bennie’s for dinner. I had a Margareta pizza with chicken and ham on it. For pudding I had Brownies, cream and ice cream, topped with chocolate sauce. I loved the food. It was delicious. I couldn’t eat anything else after my dinner. I had a great time bowling. I hope you like the picture’s from the bowling and our dinner. Please leave a comment of what you thought.

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The Bullet


Nerf time

Posted: February 23, 2011 in Nerf war of the week
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At first I didn’t know what to do for my next post. But then I thought that could do more favourite something of the weeks. I could do Nerf videos, football goals, phares and lots of other thing that Ican find.

This post is my favourite Nerf war of the week. Hope you enjoy. Please leave a comment at the bottom.

The Bullet


This is my first post on The Bullet of Gold.

My first post is my video of the week. It is one my favourite songs at the moment. I like it because it has a very good video and I like Chris Brown. I like this video because Chris can really dance. I hope you enjoy. Please leave a comment on what you thought of it.

The Bullet